Tuesday 27 January 2015

Kelpies, Kelvingrove, and the Lion King

I went exploring!

Sorry in advance for all the pictures used in this blog post (oops)! I got a wee bit camera excited as I explored outside my 1km radius, (which usually only traced my residence, university, the grocery store and local bars) but was I ever happy that I had the chance to see more of Glasgow and Scotland!

I've had the chance to visit the West End and City Centre of Glasgow as well as Falkirk, Scotland this past week! I feel like I have already seen so much of Scotland - but I know there is so much more this country has to offer!

It is so exciting but also slightly alarming knowing that I am not just on vacation in Scotland but I am actually living here for four months. I have began to create a bucket list filled with personal goals I want to set and achieve whilst I am abroad. Hopefully I will be able to write them into a blog post so I can share those goals with you all soon. The list just keeps growing and growing as I learn more and more about this amazing place.

Here are some photos I want to share of my recent adventures!

The cutest statue situated in Buchanan Bus Station - just a ten minute walk from me! I always mistake this statue for a couple having a long awaited smooch and I always apologize as I almost run into it, oops!

Glasgow City Chambers is such a gorgeous building. This photo was taken during a city tour and scavenger hunt - sadly my team lost and we didn't win the amazing prize, (a basket bigger than my head filled with chocolate) I know - I'm disappointed too. But at least I went on a big explore of the city!

The Riverside Museum was filled with exhibits focused on transportation, fashion, and culture. This picture also showcases a Tall Ship which is anchored at the Museum, I couldn't help but think of home when I saw the tall masts anchored on the water!

The gorgeous West End <3 one of my favourite places in the city. And look at that blue sky!

Cobblestone alleyways and Steve Madden boots, feeling trendy and all that. I still don't know how I managed to take this photo all by myself haha. Tumblr and Pinterest would be proud.

The gorgeous fountain in Kelvingrove Park - the water just started spurting as Sarah took this picture!  Perfect timing if I do say so myself.

The Kelvingrove Museum in the West End, our Spanish friend Marina who studies Sociology full-time at GCU and was an exchange student at SMU last semester was our West End tour guide. Thank you Marina!

The floating heads exhibit inside the Kelvingrove Museum.

Glasgow University - which looks like Hogwarts. I can't wait to go exploring whilst wearing my Gryffindor quidditch jersey, a cloak, and waving a magic wand - don't think I won't actually do this because I will.

It wouldn't be a proper adventure without having a selfie to document said adventure, would it?

Photo credits to Sarah Nickerson for this awesome picture

The cutest street I have ever seen called Ashton Lane located in West End, Glasgow. Sarah, Adam, and myself (all Canadians) had a delicious dinner here to finish off a lovely evening. Goodbye West End! See you soon. 

Welcome to Falkirk, Scotland home of the Kelpies!

Meet the Kelpies! These gorgeous steel statues are reminiscent of Scottish fairy tale creatures sharing the same name. Kelpies are believed to be mythological water demons who can shape shift their form to confuse their prey. As soon as a human got close enough to touch the Kelpie it would clasp onto them and envelop them in water, so it could later feast on their flesh. The Kelpies often take form of a horse to confuse wandering humans - one family in Scotland boasts that centuries ago they had captured a Kelpie. The family claims they had stolen the beasts reins in order to control the creature. The reins have been passed down for years and years as proof that these demons can indeed be tamed.

The Kelpies stand 100 feet tall and are constructed from 464 plates of local steel. The Kelpies have been named Duke and Barron after two neighbouring Clydesdale horses that artist Andy Scott used as models for his breathtaking sculptures. 

Scottish pounds are so weird to get used to! Sorry to all the cashiers who have had to watch painlessly as I count out all my change three times yet keep confusing a 5 pence piece for a 10 cent dime! 

Welcome to the Callendar House - a very lovely and regal estate. I cannot get over how historic and old (I wish I had a better adjective to describe it haha) everything in Scotland is.

A beautiful tree right outside of The Callendar house, which is also located in Falkirk. This tree reminded me of the tree that Rafiki lives in during The Lion King movie. 

**I am inserting the "Circle of Life" lyrics here because it is currently blaring inside my head**

Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba  [Here comes a lion, Father]
Sithi uhm ingonyama           [Oh yes, it's a lion]

Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama

Siyo Nqoba                    [We're going to conquer]
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala    [A lion and a leopard come to this open place]

I also visited Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, over the weekend and happened to be there for Robbie Burns day! The whole day was an absolute dream come true.  Buuuuut I have far too much I want to share about my day in Edinburgh, so unfortunately you will have to wait to see, hear, and read about that adventure!

Thanks for reading!


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