Tuesday 13 January 2015

Goldilocks' Suitcase Dilemma

Packing will forever be the bane of my existence. I am like Goldilocks where everything is too big, too small, and rarely just right.

My first dilemma was that my mother has taught me how to roll pack, which is when you roll all your clothes for optimal packing precision. Roll packing has both its benefits and flaws. The benefit is that you can roll almost your entire wardrobe into a cylindrical army of attire to jam into your suitcase. The one teeny tiny flaw, you then need a crane to lift said suitcase.

The changing of seasons was my second dilemma. Unfortunately I will have to pack for multiple seasons; winter (with minimal snow), spring (with too much rain), and summer (please can I wear my shorts today), which makes packing extremely difficult. Especially for a person like me who can't decide what to pack and what to leave behind. If I had it my way I would have four suitcases, a crate of Kraft Dinner, and a carry-on for my cat, but sometimes life and AirCanada do not see eye-to-eye with my wants and needs.

I mean come on, what if I go to a Batman themed party and all I can think of is how I have the perfect XL Mens shirt (dress) sitting at home?!

As I was packing, repacking, and weighing my suitcase I realized (with much assurance from my mom) that I can always buy what I need when I get there. After all, it's really not the end of the world if my leopard print housecoat and Magic bullet don't make it for the voyage across the pond.

My third and final dilemma, was attempting to squeeze everything I would need for a sixth month adventure into one large suitcase, a carry-on suitcase, and a tiny backpack that looked like it was purchased at Baby Gap. After much sweating, heavy swearing (sorry mom), almost breaking a zipper, and whilst laying on an unzipped suitcase to realize I still hadn't packed any shoes was when I had an epiphany!

Late on Friday evening after heavy exhaustion and rolling clothes until my fingers were numb, mom and I came up with the most brilliant, ingenious, life changing plan-

That I will check two large suitcases instead of one.


Watch this Video About the Coolest Travel Hacks!


Watch this Traveller Pack Like a Pro!


All packed and ready to go! T-minus 2 days!!!

King Taz doesn't quite understand why he isn't going to Scotland with me...

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