Wednesday 1 April 2015

Highs and Lows: People Make Glasgow

From Left to Right: Luke (Prince Edward Island, Canada), Georgia (Melbourne, Australia), Roos (Utretch, Netherlands), Meagan (Nova Scotia, Canada), and Patrick (Melbourne, Australia) exploring in Mosspark, Scotland and the Crookston Castle.

People Make Glasgow

Here is another cheeky little highs and lows post about my time abroad. I really like writing these posts as they highlight the little things I have been doing around Scotland. These have actually become my favourite blog posts to write!

Glasgow City's slogan is "People Make Glasgow," which I think is extremely applicable to my experience here in Glasgow. When I left Canada I left behind my family, friends, kittens, dance, school, schedules, Canadian poutine, everything  - which was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Okay, maaaaybe not leaving behind poutine... But certainly leaving behind the people and things I love most in the world. At least I have Skype to help me miss my family, friends, and kitties a little less.

But luckily enough, I have had the experience to meet some amazing people who are so interesting, hilarious, motivating, carefree, expressive, a little bit wild, and share so many of the same desires, goals, and crazy ideas that I do.

As my friend Georgia from Australia said, "the friends you make on the other side of the world become your family," and I couldn't have said it any better myself. Devastatingly enough I am just as gutted to leave behind the friends I have made here as I was my family and friends back in Canada. 

Here are some photos of my crazy friends from all over the world who have really become my family. These people have made my time in Glasgow some of the best memories I have ever made.

This past week we made Canadian poutine, maple bacon, and strawberry shortcake for our flatmates and some friends! Afterwards we had a party in our kitchen (a classic east coast kitchen party) and 55 people showed up and were packed into our kitchen! I don't know how we didn't get shut down by security. 

Some days we manage to fight the hangovers, looming coursework, and the temptation to stay in bed all day and go exploring. We attempt to get a crew together and wander aimlessly in Scotland. Usually our adventures involve; walking, laughter, being lost, food, crazy stories, and castles.

I honestly adore going on these little day trips because it is such a nice way to get out of my little bubble and see more of Scotland! I have a few more places I am planning to visit before I start backpacking and I know these crazy clowns will always be down the for adventure. 

The great thing about people on exchange or just living in a different country is that you always want to get out, go somewhere new, try a different restaurant, or go randomly exploring. At home I get so stuck in a routine of doing the same thing everyday, eating at the same restaurants, frequenting the same pubs, going to school, and always thinking oh I will get around to going there or seeing that later - but somehow you just always stick to the same routines. 

It is so nice to have these people who want to adventure, explore, and try something new around you because they are always keen to go out and make the best of your limited time.

I hope you enjoyed this quick little post, I am hoping to elaborate more on my Caley Court: Eldon flatmates (the crazy people I live with) and the Glasgow Fam aka the Cali Cool Kids before I leave to go back home! 


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